Phoenix Nirvana - Season 1 : Episode 23


  • Drama

Women are recruited and trained to join a PLA Special Operations unit. The story is about a group of women joining a special task force unit. In the end, only eight will be chosen and these eight go on to become professional agents. The 21st century is an era in which talents and high technologies dominate the war. The highest ranks in the Chinese army decided to recruit extraordinary females to join a special task force. Tsinghua’s skilled science student – Ye Cun Xin, the army’s taekwondo senior – Shen Lan Ni, medical officer – He Lu, new army recruit – A Zhuo, actress – Tang Xiao Xiao, anti-chemical troupe soldier – Bing Tian Guo, major commanders – Ou Yang Qian and Tan Xiao Lin, are eight women from different positions with different visions who are united by a common objective. They undergo ruthless trainings and finally emerge as “Phoenix Nirvana.” (Source:

Season 1 Episodes


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